Stock Code Rename SQL SE

Stock Code Rename allows multiple stock codes to be renamed at the push of a key, including stock items that have outstanding transactions.

A new menu option within Stock Utilities presents the user with a window displaying a list of all existing stock codes.

Stock items can be searched for and renamed using function keys or the action menu.

Upon selecting F5 Change, a window displays the old stock reference and allows the user to specify a new stock reference.

Changes can be cancelled or accepted. When all stock items have been renamed, confirmation is requested to continue. If "No" is chosen, the updating of stock items is not carried out. If "Yes" is chosen, an output screen allows the user to print a report of all stock items that will be renamed     during the routine. All relevant fields are then updated with the new stock reference(s).

Stock Code Rename for Opera 3 SQL SE

Rolling History (Stock Code, Search Ref1, Search Ref2)
If this option is checked, the Search Ref1 is moved to the Search Ref2 and the Stock Code is moved to the Search Ref1. This will allow users to search for stock codes based on the old stock code name.


Stock Code Rename can be customised to match user's additional requirements.


Stock Code Rename requires Pegasus Opera Stock and Toolkit modules.


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