Purchase Account Rename SQL SE

Purchase Account Rename provides the facility to rename Purchase Ledger accounts. This can be carried out even if there are outstanding transactions posted to the account. As with all Corrin Products, this software has the same "look and feel" as Pegasus Opera and provides a seamless integration into Pegasus       business software.

The option Rename Account within Purchase Ledger, Utilities allows an existing account to be searched for and the new reference to be entered.

There is also the facility to rename multiple account codes in one run using the option Import Account Changes. This routine uses a CSV file, which should contain one column listing the old account code and a second column listing the new account code.

A report is produced at the end of the import procedure listing the old account code, the new account code, whether it was updated and if not, the reason for rejection.

Please Note: This product currently does not support Pegasus Document Management.

Purchase Account Rename


Purchase Account Rename can be tailored to match user's additional requirements.


Account Rename requires Pegasus Opera Purchase Ledger and Toolkit modules.


Corrin Software Products Ltd, The Old Town Hall, Market Place, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 4BQ 01832 279710 info@corrin.co.uk

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Registered Office: The Old Town Hall, Market Place, Oundle, Peterborough, PE8 4BQ